Discover water.
These activities are organised for kids as well as adults, beginners and confirmed swimmers...
Aquatic school
Discover the subaquatic world
I will swim like a dolphin
Intensive swimming lessons during summer
Babies: up from 4 months, aquatic psychomotricity
Young children: learning of the 4 swimming styles
Children: improvement of the 4 swimming styles and introductory course to scuba diving
Moving is refreshing one's ideas
Everyone has his/her own rythm, spring, move, stretch, relax. In only a few sessions, a good stamina is ensured. Guaranteed wellness and playful time...
Nathalie Van de Woestyne
Enseignante, Psychomotricienne Licenciée en kinésithérapie du sport, Monitrice de plongée, Ostéopathe animalière et Guide nature
Numéro de compte : BE96 0014 6711 5805 BIC GEBABEBB
(+32) 0497 25 81 69
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