Calendar & price


Swimming courses for children last 30 min.

Aquagym sessions last 1h

The price is €17/lesson if taken with a subscription and €25/lesson if not taken in a subscription.


Swimming courses for children (collective)


Monday: between 16h and 18h30 - Swimming pool next to Barbizon, Overijse

Period March to June 2025 10 x 17€ =170€ for the whole period or 25€ per session

  • 17-24-31 March
  • 7 April
  • 12-19 May
  • 2-16-23-30 June  

Tuesday between 16h and 18h30 - Swimming pool next to Barbizon, Overijse 

Period March to June 2025 10 x 17€ = 170€ for the whole period or 25€ per session

  • 18-25 March
  • 1-8 April
  • 20-27 May
  • 3-10-17-24 June 

Wednesday between 16h and 18h30 - Swimming pool next to Stockel place

Period March to June 2025 10 x 17€ = 170€ for the whole period or 25€ per session

  • 12-19-26 March
  • 2-9 April
  • 14-21 May
  • 4-11-18 June

Saturdays between 9 and 12h - Swimming pool next to Stockel place

Period March to June 2025 (to be confirmed) The lessons last 45 min and the price is €25.50 for 45 min= €153 for the whole period or 35€ per session

  • 29 March (45 min lesson)
  • 5 April (lesson of 45 min) 
  • 10-17 May (lesson of 45min)
  • 7-14 June (45 min lesson)

Registration: open.

Please use the registration form and give the age of the child and your preferred time slot.



Monday  18h30 - Swimming pool Overijse,  Barbizon quarter

Period March to June 2025 11 x 17€ = 187€ for the whole period or 25€ per session

  • 17-24-31 March
  • 7 April
  • 12-19 May
  • 2-16-23-30 June 

Wednesday 18h30 - 19h30 - Swimming pool next to Stockel place

Period March to June 2025 10 x 17€ = 170€ for the whole period or 25€ per session

  • 12-19-26 mars
  • 2-9 avril
  • 14-21 mai
  • 4-11-18 juin

Tariff: 25€ per lesson if not taken in a subscription or 17€ per lesson if taken in a subscription


Please use the registration form


Bank account number: BE96 0014 6711 5805 BIC GEBABEBB